Fun: All in All

(5-8 minutes, moderate setup)
Provide large sheets of paper, markers, and tape for three groups (or six or nine groups if you have a large class).

Divide learners into three (six, nine) groups and give each group a large sheet of paper and markers. Give the following instructions:

Give groups two or three minutes to compile their lists, and then tape the lists to one wall. Ask: What is the common theme in these descriptions? (Each group described someone who excels far above others in some way.) Ask: How long do you think the people you have named will remain the most powerful, most present, or most knowledgeable in their field? Does their “most-ness” extend beyond their field of work or study?

After discussion, point out that people may be powerful—but no one person has all power; people may be present—but no one person can be in multiple places at the same time; people may be really smart—but no one person knows everything about their own field, much less about all fields. Explain that today’s lesson reveals that only God has all power, all knowledge, and is present at all times.