(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will write questions they have about who God is.
Provide pens, a dry erase board, and markers.
Learning Goal: Students will identify their struggles with comprehending the nature of God.
Emphasize that learning about God and comprehending what you’ve learned are two very different things. Say: We will spend our entire lives trying to comprehend all there is to know about God, and will only scratch the surface. Explain that often, we try reducing God to what we can understand, rather than accepting that God is beyond our comprehension.
Instruct students to gather into groups of two or three and to work together to create a list of their questions about God, especially questions prompted by today’s study. Encourage students to write their questions on the back of their worksheets. After a couple of minutes, call for responses and compile a list of the questions students have written. Acknowledge when their questions can’t be answered, or when you don’t know the answers. Put a mark beside those questions that will be answered in future studies. Answer any questions you can, and then, encourage students to seek answers to the remaining questions during the coming week by talking to ministers at the church and/or their parents. Commit to them that you will also search for answers and be prepared to share those answers next week. Close in prayer, thanking God that it is okay to ask questions about Him, even those that are hard or impossible to answer, and asking God to use this time to help students know Him better by understanding His nature.