Kids: Reinforcement Activity

(10 minutes)

Teacher Note: Additional activities for today’s lesson can be found on the Bible Study Manager page for this lesson. Look for the tab labeled “Extra Resources.”

Invite your students to act out today’s Treasure Story. Begin by assigning the following roles: several wise men, King Herod, Herod’s chief priests and scribes, Mary, Joseph, and little Jesus. Narrate the story or read the passage while your students act it out.

Emphasize that the students may notice differences between the actual story of the wise men and the popular version they might be familiar with. Remind your students that the wise men would not have been present at the manger when Jesus was born. Instead, they came months or possibly years later. Review the truth that the wise men were Gentiles who came to worship the newborn King Jesus. Their story shows us that Jesus came as the Savior of all people, not just the Jews.