Preschool: Early Arrival Activity

(10 minutes or until you are ready to begin)
Supplies Needed: Yellow construction paper, scissors, hole punch, yarn, yardstick

Teacher Note: Additional activities for today’s lesson can be found on the Bible Study Manager page for this lesson. Look for the tab labeled “Extra Resources.”

Teacher Note: Prior to class, cut out a medium-sized star using yellow construction paper. With a hole punch, create a hole at one of the star’s points and then thread yarn through the hole. Then tie the star to a piece of yarn and the other end of the yarn to a yardstick.

As the children arrive, invite them to play a game called “Follow the Star.” One of the teachers will hold the yardstick and walk around the classroom with the star suspended high above the children’s heads. Invite the children to join in line behind the teacher as they follow the leading of the star.

While walking around the classroom, explain to the children that in today’s Treasure Story wise men from the East followed a star. The star led them to the city of Bethlehem to see Jesus. Because they followed the star, the Magi were able to worship Jesus. Continue following the star around the classroom until a majority of the children have arrived.