Kids: Optional Activity

(10 minutes)
Supplies Needed: Ball of yarn

Invite your students to sit on the floor in a circle. Use a ball of yarn to play a get-to-know-you game. Hold onto the ball of yarn and ask a question such as, “What is your name?” or “What is your favorite candy?” Answer the question and then toss the ball of yarn to a student while continuing to hold onto the end of the yarn. That student will answer the question, hold onto the string of yarn and toss it across the circle. As the students toss the yarn, a giant spider web will form. Continue until everyone has answered a question. Then ask a new question to begin a new round. 

After your students have formed a large web, instruct them to continue to hold the yarn and look at what they created. Each student is different, but the entire class is joined together by the web of yarn. Christians are also joined together as God’s children. We are all different, but we are all a part of God’s family. Use this time to review any class rules you may have. Be sure to emphasize that the students need to respect each other and not distract others from what God may be teaching them.