Preschool: Treasure Verse Learning Activity

(10 minutes)
Supplies Needed: Treasure Verse resource page, scissors, cardstock, construction paper, marker, whiteboard or chalkboard, dry-erase marker or chalk, craft sticks, glue

Teacher Note: Before class, copy the Treasure Verse resource page onto cardstock (see resources). Cut out the squares so that each child will have a copy. Place the copies in the classroom’s treasure box. Using a treasure box will help the children be more excited and eager to say their verse. Once the children say their verse, they can pull out a copy to take home. Be sure to encourage the parents to post it at home on the refrigerator as a reminder for the children. In preparation for today’s activity, write the Treasure Verse at the top of sheets of construction paper. Each student will need one sheet of paper.

Today’s Treasure Verse is Joshua 24:15b: “Choose this day whom you will serve . . . But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Write the verse on the board. Review the verse with the children by pointing to each word and having them repeat the word after you say it. Then give each child a sheet of construction paper that has the Treasure Verse written at the top. Set out craft sticks and glue and instruct the children to create a house with the craft sticks. They will glue their house onto the construction paper. The house is a reminder of being committed to serve the Lord, just as the Treasure Verse says. Will they choose to serve the Lord?

As the children are ready, they may say their verse to one of the teachers and retrieve a verse card from the treasure box. Children may continue to practice with the other teacher until they are ready to recite the verse.
