Preschool: Bible Story Time

(15 minutes with questions)

Teacher Note: Have the children form a semi-circle with their chairs. Start your story time with a few stretches to get the wiggles out. Go over your expectations for Bible Story Time (hands in their laps, feet on the floor, listen to you when it is your turn to talk, etc.). Make sure you have the Bible open on your lap while you tell the story.

Below is a Bible story that you can read word-for-word to your students. With younger children, focus only on the main points of the story (see text in bold). With older students, share more of the story’s details.

Can anyone tell me the name of the man who led the Israelites out of Egypt? God also gave His Law to this man, so the Israelites would know how to live. That’s right! His name was Moses. After Moses died, God chose another leader for the Israelites named Joshua. He would lead the people according to God’s laws. Can you show me your Joshua puppets?

God told Joshua to be strong and courageous. When you hear the word “courageous,” you may think of firemen or police officers. They have a lot of courage to go into a burning building to save a person or to protect people from criminals. They can’t be afraid. God did not want Joshua to be afraid of leading the people in the Promised Land. God would protect His people from their enemies. God told Joshua, “Be courageous!” Say that with me. “Be courageous!”

Joshua sent spies into Jericho to view the land. The king of Jericho quickly found out about the spies and began searching for them. Rahab, a woman from Jericho, allowed the spies to hide on her roof to escape the king. Because Rahab helped the spies, they promised that she and all her family members who were in her home would not be killed when the Israelites attacked Jericho. They instructed her to hang a red cord from her window as a reminder to the Israelites. The spies reported back to Joshua that God had given them the land. 

Joshua and the Israelites crossed the Jordan River in a miraculous way. Joshua asked the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant to lead the way. When they reached the edge of the Jordan River, the water stopped flowing, and the Israelites were able to cross into the Promised Land on dry ground. This was a miraculous sign from God that He was with Joshua and the Israelites.

God had chosen Joshua to lead His people into the new land. God wanted Joshua and the Israelites to trust Him. He would not leave them once they entered the new land. God was faithful to the Israelites, and He is faithful to us.

Bible Story Questions

  1. Who was the new leader God chose for the Israelites? (Joshua)
  2. What was the name of the woman who hid the Israelite spies on her roof? (Rahab)
  3. What happened when the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant reached the edge of the Jordan River? (The water stopped flowing so that the Israelites could cross on dry ground.)
  4. What did God tell Joshua before taking the people into the new land? (God said to Joshua, “Be courageous!”)