(5–8 minutes, easy setup)
Learners will look at how personal God is.
(5–8 minutes, easy setup)
Provide paper and pens for each group of three or four learners.
Say: As we studied Psalm 139, did you notice all the pronouns David used? Divide learners into groups of three or four and provide each group with paper and a pen. Encourage learners to look over the passage again, and record the personal pronouns used in this passage. After a couple of minutes, call the learners back together and call for learners to give you a total times that “You” and “Your” were used, and that “I,” “me,” and “my” were used. Ask: Do these numbers surprise you? Why? What do they suggest about God’s relationship with us, and ours with Him? Discuss: How does the use of these pronouns affect your view of God? How does this make a difference in your everyday life? Encourage the learners to be aware of God’s presence this week in their lives.