Shepherds: Full Surrender

(5–8 minutes, easy setup)
Learners will evaluate areas of their lives that have not yet been fully surrendered to God’s plan.

(5–8 minutes, easy setup)
Provide paper and pens.

Express that even seasoned believers sometimes struggle with living a life “set apart” for God’s purposes. Share this comment made by Dr. Charles Stanley, long-time pastor of First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, about his struggle to surrender to God’s plan for his life: “During the entire road trip [to the interview], I told the Lord that I didn’t want to move. I fussed and carried on a good while, but I knew Atlanta would be my new home. I didn’t like the idea, but the alternative was unimaginable.” Discuss: Why did Dr. Stanley ultimately surrender to God’s call to relocate to Atlanta?

Distribute paper and pens. Encourage learners to list some of the things they feel God is asking them to do. Point out that these things can be small, such as sending a note to a hurting friend, or large, such as forgiving someone who hurt them or committing to a mission trip. Next to each item listed, instruct learners to rank their willingness to surrender to God in this area using the following scale: 1 = not willing under any circumstances and 10 = will do immediately. Discuss: Which things did you find easier to do? What types of things are harder to do? Encourage learners to contemplate the potential blessings of surrendering to God in this area and the possible consequences of refusing to surrender their wills to God’s will. Allow time for learners to share with God their struggles to surrender during a time of silent prayer.