(5–8 minutes, easy setup)
Learners will evaluate when and how they responded to God’s call to be set apart for Him.
(5–8 minutes, easy setup)
Provide index cards and pens.
Emphasize that Abraham was “set apart” for God when he heard and responded to God’s call. Point out that hearing and responding to God’s call is the vital first step to being “set apart” for God’s purposes.
Distribute index cards and pens to learners. Instruct learners to look up 2 Thessalonians 2:13 in their Bibles and to write the verse on their index cards, substituting their names in place of the word “brothers” in the verse. Then, ask: In what ways does God call people today to follow Him? (Possible responses: through the Bible; through the message shared by a pastor; through a friend or family member sharing the gospel; and through an inward assurance that God is real.) Encourage learners to reflect on whether or not they have heard and responded to God’s call. Be prepared to talk with those who may be hearing God’s call for the first time. Discuss: As you have answered God’s call, what evidence have you seen that your life has now been “set apart” for His purposes?