(15–20 minutes, easy setup)
Learners will study Hebrews 11:8-19 to discover what it means to be “set apart” for service to God.
(15–20 minutes, easy setup)
Provide a copy of the Learner Worksheet and a pen for each learner. Provide pens, a dry erase board, and markers. Display the People are God's Treasure Essential Truth poster or write the phrase at the top of the marker board.
Distribute copies of the Learner Worksheet and pens. Explain that this lesson is the first in a year-long study of the concept of consecration. Say: According to the Holman Bible Dictionary, consecration “refers to persons or things being separated to or belonging to God. They are holy or sacred. They are set apart for the service of God.” State that today’s lesson encourages us to consider what it means to be a person set apart for service to God.
1. We are “set apart” for God when we hear and respond to His call (Hebrews 11:8-10).
Read Hebrews 11:8-10. Remind learners that God called Abraham to follow Him and promised to make Abraham the father of a great nation. Ask: How was this nation supposed to be different from all other nations? (They were to worship only God and be His witnesses to the world.)
Draw two columns on the board labeled “Before the Call” and “After the Call.” Divide learners into two groups, instructing each group to describe what Abraham’s life was like before and after he responded to God’s call. Encourage each group to write their observations in the appropriate columns on the board. Then, discuss: Why do you think God called Abraham from all the available people living on earth at the time to follow Him?
Draw attention to the Eight Essential Truth poster People are God's Treasure or to the words written on the marker board. (If your church has not purchased the Eight Essential Truths bookmarks or posters, you can print the Eight Essential Truths from http://www.lifebiblestudy.com/8-Essential-Truths.) Explain that Abraham’s life was marked by sin, yet God loved Abraham and called Abraham to follow Him, and He gave Abraham and his descendant’s the task of being His representatives in the world. Ask: Why does God continue to call people to follow Him and serve as His representatives in this world? Emphasize that God calls each of us to follow Him, but it is up to us to hear and respond to His call. Encourage learners to complete the first statement on their worksheet with hear and respond.
2. We are “set apart” for God by living by faith in the present while keeping our focus on the future (Hebrews 11:11-16).
Discuss: How difficult is it to remain faithful to God when you seem to be surrounded by people who do not know or worship Him? Suggest that Abraham’s life offers some suggestions for us. Read Hebrews 11:11-16. Ask: Where was Abraham’s focus during the years he lived in the area God showed him? What kept Abraham faithful when things got tough for him? Point out that Abraham made a decision to trust God to fulfill His promises. Encourage learners to reflect on everything they know about Abraham. Discuss:
Encourage learners to write present and future in the blanks on the second statement on their worksheet.
3. We are “set apart” for God when we are willing to surrender everything to Him (Hebrews 11:17-19).
Ask: How do you respond when you feel that God is testing you? Suggest that Abraham’s walk with God, through both good and bad situations, had fully developed his faith in God.
Read Hebrews 11:17-19. Ask: How could Abraham offer his long-awaited and beloved Isaac as a sacrifice to God? Point out that Abraham was willing to surrender everything because He understood God’s great power; therefore, he reasoned that God could raise Isaac from the dead if needed. Discuss: Why was Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac sufficient in this case? Emphasize that Abraham placed nothing before his obedience to God. Encourage learners to complete the last line of their worksheets with the words willing and surrender.
Discuss: What can we learn from Abraham’s life about being “set apart” for service to God? Emphasize that God will use each of us differently as we serve Him.