Making Disciples

(5–8 minutes, easy setup)
Learners will identify ways to lovingly share the seriousness of a commitment to Christ with a new believer or non-Christian.

(5–8 minutes, easy setup)

Ask: How have we watered down the idea of discipleship (following Jesus), and why is this dangerous? Encourage learners to consider how culture has often made following Christ an issue of “easy believism,” which produces a lot of people who claim only the name of Christ but not His life. Ask: Based on today’s lesson, how would you explain what it means to be a disciple of Christ to a new believer or to someone who is not yet a Christian? Invite learners to get with a partner and practice explaining what being a biblical follower of Christ truly means. Allow several minutes for learners to finish. Then ask: Think about a specific person when you answer this question: How can you intentionally model and teach the everyday priority of Christ in your life to someone you are discipling? After learners have shared their answers, point out that when we are teaching others about Christ, we must be biblical and honest even if it means that Jesus’ words are too challenging for some people and they turn away.