Being Disciples

(5–8 minutes, easy setup)
Learners will evaluate personal priorities to see how even good things can compete with their commitment to Jesus.

(5–8 minutes, easy setup)

Provide index cards and pens.

Distribute index cards and direct learners to list the following items on their cards: family, job, reputation, finances, stabilty, and influence. Explain that many times we conjur up ideas of evil things that hinder us from Christ, but often “good” things squeeze Him out of our top priority. Encourage them to consider how each of these items could potentially compete for their loyalty to Christ as paramount. Lead the discussion by sharing a time when you had to reprioitize your life because one of these items was coming between you and your relationship with Christ. After a few minutes of discussion, ask: What are some practical things we can do to balance integrity in these areas while also choosing to value Christ above them all? Encourage learners to discuss practical ways to follow Christ above everything else. Suggest answers such as commiting to integrity and honesty in the workplace no matter what circumstances occur, having an accountability time with a trusted friend, making financial plans to tithe and give to others while living on a budget, or maintaining a respectful attitude with hostile family members while still being intentional to voice the difference Christ has made in one’s life. Invite learners to look at the list on their cards and pick one or two areas that they know will be a struggle to reprioritize in their lives and then write specific ways they can begin to place Jesus first in those areas. After a couple of minutes, encourage learners to seek God’s help this week as they begin to implement their new loyalty to Christ.