From the Book

(5–8 minutes, easy setup)
Learners will preview an excerpt from chapter 1 to introduce the fact that Jesus clearly challenged people, then and now, to count the cost of being His follower.

(5–8 minutes, easy setup)

Explain that in this week’s reading, the author describes Jesus’ increasing popularity and drawing of large crowds but that Jesus wasn’t interested in being admired, respected, or entertaining. Preview the chapter by reading page 12 from Start! To Follow aloud, beginning at the first paragraph indention. Then say: Greg Laurie shows us that Jesus issued a clear challenge to those who wanted to follow Him because He wanted people to know what He expected. They were picking and choosing certain aspects of Jesus’ life and message they liked and ignoring the rest. Ask: How does this sound like our lives today? Allow brief discussion and then ask: Has Jesus’ expectation changed in the last two thousand years? As learners answer, point out that Jesus didn’t issue an easy challenge to those who wanted to follow Him. Explain that today we will explore the difficult challenge that Jesus gave His disicples then and and how it remains the same call for us today.