
(5 minutes, easy setup)
Learners will be introduced to the idea of being and making disciples. Books will be distributed and a general overview of the next six weeks will be provided for learners.

(5 minutes, easy setup)

Pass out everyone’s copy of Start! To Follow or provide instructions on how to acquire a copy of the book to be reading during the week between your group meetings. Explain that for the next six weeks, you will be digging into what it means to be a follower of Christ. Depending on your group’s needs, clarify that this study provides information on how to personally follow Jesus as a disciple and that if your group is already spiritually mature, they will find useful the information on how to not only be a disciple but also make new disciples. (Depending on your group’s dynamic, choose the “Being Disciples” or “Making Disciples” activity to conclude each week’s lesson. Also, for Small Groups prefering more relational exploration of the biblical truths in each lesson, download the free Small Group Discussion Guide under the "Free Resources" tab. There you can also download guides for personal devotion and church-wide discipleship campaigns.)

Say: The word disciple may not be common in today’s world. It may even be intimidating. But a disciple is most simply a follower of Christ. Over and over, Jesus makes it clear that He came to call people into a life-changing relationship of following Him, nothing less. Maybe you are just starting this journey or maybe it is time for you to start inviting others to follow Jesus with you. Either way, these next six weeks will describe the Christian life—the life of a disciple.

Explain to your group that each week, you will look at one part of a personal relationship with Jesus, using the Bible to guide your time together. During the week, everyone will benefit by reading from Greg Laurie’s book a chapter or two that further explains that part of life as a disciple. Share the weekly overview to give everyone an idea of where they will be headed, noting that the number in parentheses refers to the book chapter for each week. (A weekly reading guide is also available with questions to reflect on personally. You may print it here.)


1. The Commitment—Discipleship is described as our commitment to Jesus and the Christian Life (chapter 1)

2. The Life—As disciples, our lives of surrender are empowered by God’s commitment to us through His Spirit (chapters 2–3)


3. The Bible—Discipleship means knowing and treasuring God’s Word (chapter 4)

4. Prayer—Discipleship involves a conversation with God, prayerfully conforming our desires to His (chapter 5)


5. The Church—As disciples, we are a family that mutually benefits from building each other up (chapter 6)

6. The World—As disciples, we get to share everything we’ve experienced by inviting others into relationship (chapters 7–8)