Living the Dream: Letting Go

(5-10 minutes)
Learners will identify aspects of their life that currently stand as obstacles to them fully following Jesus.

(5–10 minutes)
Provide paper and a pen for each learner.

Ask: Have you ever had to give up something you really cared about in order to gain something else you believed would be better for you? Invite a few volunteers to share their experiences. Note even when we know the outcome will ultimately be worth it, the letting go is never easy because our natural inclination is to focus on ourselves.

Direct learners to jot down what aspects of their life are currently standing in the way of them being fully abandoned to Jesus Christ. Encourage them not to be overwhelmed by their list and not to feel the pressure to make any immediate plans for change. Once they have collected their thoughts, guide learners to prayerfully consider two items from their paper on which to focus. Challenge them to choose one that will be very difficult to give up and one that will be easier.

Then instruct learners to divide into pairs and work together to consider just how they might radically abandon these obstacles for the sake of following Christ. Direct them to begin making a plan of action for the areas in which they chose to focus. Encourage them to continue wrestling with their lists over the coming weeks as they continue to work through the rest of the Radical Bible study.