Build Faith Foundations: Desiring Holiness

(5–8 minutes, moderate set-up)
Learners will consider how to rely upon the Holy Spirit to develop holiness in their lives.
Provide a CD/digital media player and prepare to play the song “Holiness” by Sonicflood (The Early Years, 2006). Also provide paper and pens.

Distribute paper and pens to learners. Then, explain that the Christian band Sonicflood recorded a song that expresses the believer’s desire to be holy. As learners listen to the song, encourage them to write the steps that they might take to become holy as mentioned in the chorus. Play the song.

Next, divide learners into groups of three to four to discuss:

Emphasize that no one can achieve holiness on his or her own because holiness can only be found when a believer allows the Holy Spirit to completely control his life. Distribute paper and pens to learners at this time. Invite learners to list five areas in which they are still struggling to do things on their own. Then, lead learners to pray using the following prompts:

After a time of prayer, encourage learners to surrender their will to the Holy Spirit so that they can live a life that is pleasing to God.