Interactive Core Study: The Spirit of Holiness

(15–20 minutes, easy set-up)
Learners will study Romans 1:1–6 to understand that holiness can only be achieved through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Provide a copy of the Learner Worksheet and a pen for each learner. Also provide a dry erase board and markers.

Pass out pens and copies of the Learner Worksheet. Encourage learners to pair up with another learner to discuss the question listed at the top of their worksheets. After a minute, ask: How many of you considered that there’s no way for you to live a holy life without help? After a couple of responses, share that it is only through the help of the Holy Spirit that we are capable of achieving any level of holiness in our lives.

1.  We are called to serve God by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:1–2).

Read Romans 1:1–2. Ask: In what roles did Paul serve Christ? (As a bondservant and as an apostle) Share that a bondservant was one who chose to dedicate his or her life as a slave to a worthy master, while an apostle was one of a select group of people who had seen Jesus, ministered with Him, and were then appointed to preach the gospel.

Divide learners into two groups. Instruct one group to list ways that Paul’s life exemplified his willingness to serve Christ (which could include: he labored to support himself as he traveled to spread the gospel; he suffered hardship, persecution, prison, and shipwreck because He preached Christ). Instruct the second group to list ways that Paul’s life reflected his appointment to spread the gospel (which could include: evangelist, starting churches, mentoring pastors, writing letters that were soon recognized as Scripture). Lead both groups to share their responses. Ask: How is serving God both a privilege and a responsibility?

2.  We are witnesses of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:3–4).

Read Romans 1:3–4. Ask: In your own words, what is the message of the gospel? (The prophets foretold the coming Messiah, who would be from the lineage of King David and who would suffer and die for the sins of humanity before being raised again.) Emphasize that the Holy Spirit plays an important role in the affairs of God. Explain that the Holy Spirit inspired the Old Testament writers to prophesy about the future Messiah. Emphasize that the Spirit of holiness empowered Jesus to live a sinless life on earth and then raised Him from the dead. Ask: Why did Jesus need the presence and power of the Holy Spirit while He was in the world? Remind learners that even though Jesus is fully God, when He came to the earth He also became fully human (see Phil. 2:5–8). Instruct learners to write “The Spirit of Holiness” in the first section of line 1 on their worksheets. Then, encourage them to work with their partners to respond to the question asked in the second section (such as: The Holy Spirit has the power to lead us to live holy lives). Ask: What role should the Holy Spirit play in our lives? As learners respond, encourage them to take notes in the third section on their worksheets (which should include: The Holy Spirit helped Jesus live a sinless life while He was human and He can help me do the same). Emphasize that believers cannot develop holy lives by themselves, but since The Holy Spirit is God and Empowerer, they can rely on the Holy Spirit to infuse their lives with His holiness.

3.  We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to walk in obedience to God (Romans 1:5–6).

Read Romans 1:5–6. Point out that Jesus specifically appointed Paul to take the gospel to the Gentiles––those who were not Jews or from the nation of Israel. Ask: Once saved, what is the believer called to be? (Obedient to God because of faith in Christ) Discuss: In your opinion, can believers ever be completely obedient to God? Why? What role does the Holy Spirit play in helping believers become obedient to God?
