Dig Deeper Into Faith: Disciples Every Day

(5–8 minutes, easy set-up)
Learners will discuss the challenges that they must face and overcome while living as disciples of Christ.

(5–8 minutes, easy set-up)
Provide paper and pens.

Say: Jesus challenged His disciples to react to life circumstances differently than the world does. Explain that learners will have the opportunity to discuss what that means. Then divide learners into two groups. Give each group paper and pens, then instruct them to make one list each of all of the challenges to their Christ-like character that they face in a routine day. Allow three minutes for groups to create their lists. Then instruct groups to swap lists.

Instruct learners to create two columns beside each list titled “Typical Reaction” and “Disciple’s Reaction.” Invite learners to list the way that the world says to respond to each situation on the list. Ask: How many of these typical reactions reflect God’s character? Then instruct learners to list the ways that God expects His disciples to respond to each situation. Allow time for learners to compare the different responses. Then ask: How hard is it to respond according to Jesus’ standards? How will responding like a disciple of Christ create opportunities to share the gospel? How does responding like the rest of the world discredit God? Encourage learners to identify specific areas in which they struggle to respond with the attitude that Jesus prescribed. Suggest that learners concentrate on changing their responses in these areas as a way to honor Christ.