(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Emphasize that today’s passage explains the Law was never meant to achieve righteousness. Ask: What is the purpose of the Law? Explain that learning the real purpose of the Law can add depth and value to studying the Old Testament.
Ask a volunteer to read Galatians 3:21–25. Explain that the word translated in verse 24 as “put in charge” is the Greek word paidagogos. The Greek household had a servant called the paidagogos, or tutor. This person was in charge of the child’s moral welfare. A young boy could not leave home without his tutor.
Ask: How does this definition help you better understand the role of the Law? (The duty of the Law is to escort us to Christ. It points out every human’s need for Christ. Through our inability to keep the Law’s demands we realize our sinfulness. Then we are escorted to Christ.)
Discuss: Does the Law have any use for us after it has led us to Christ? Close the activity by saying: The Law does not ensure our relationship to God, but it does show us how to live appropriately as directed by the Holy Spirit. The Law can show us how to live as holy people in an unholy world. Still, we must not treat it as a way of gaining God’s favor.