(15–20 minutes, easy set-up)
Provide a copy of the Learner Worksheet and a pen for each learner. Also provide paper, a dry erase board, and markers. Display the Jesus is God and Savior Essential Truth poster or write the statement at the top of the board.
Remind learners that Jesus routinely seemed to break the laws held dearly by the Pharisees. He healed people on the Sabbath. He associated with people who most considered unclean. He criticized those who made it their life’s duty to uphold the Law. Ask: Why did Christ’s actions anger the Pharisees? (He did not follow their views of the Law and exposed their misuse of it.) Explain that for these reasons, many people thought Jesus came to destroy the Law. Ask: Did Jesus really believe in the Law? Ask someone to read Matthew 5:17–20.
1. Jesus teaches us truth about the Old Testament’s purpose (Matt. 5:17–18).
Distribute the worksheet. Ask: Do you think Jesus had a high view of the Old Testament? (Yes, He quoted it frequently. He said not the slightest word would disappear from the Law.) How is Jesus the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets? (He fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies. He also is the reason for the Law. The Law was not meant to create righteousness, but to show people they need a savior.)
Ask: Was the Law ever meant to be the way to obtain righteousness? (No, it was meant to show people how short they fall of the righteousness God requires.) Tell learners to write purpose in the first blank on the worksheet.
2. Jesus teaches us that God evaluates a person’s response to Scripture as either righteous or unrighteous (Matt. 5:19–20).
Read Matthew 5:19–20. Tell learners to write righteousness and unrighteousness in the second blanks. Ask: How did the religious leaders of Jesus’ day think righteousness was obtained? (by keeping the Law). What is wrong with that proposition? (No one can keep the Law.) Remind learners this passage is in the Sermon on the Mount, right after the Beatitudes. Ask: What do those sayings emphasize about righteousness? (It is not just about external actions.) Ask: If no one can keep the Law perfectly, how can we stand righteous before God? (Righteousness comes by faith. It is a gift given by Jesus.) What qualifies Jesus to give away righteousness? (Jesus is righteous. He is the only One to perfectly keep the Law.) What is the difference between the religion of the Pharisees and the relationship that Jesus describes? (Jesus advocates faith rather than works.)Throughout history faith has been the defining characteristic of those in right relationship with God. Through faith, we receive rather than earn, righteousness.
Tell learners to look the Essential Truth poster. Remind them that Jesus is God and Savior. Ask them to read the full statement. Ask: Do you think any of the Pharisees accepted this truth? (Maybe; to do so would mean they had to abandon their own attempts at righteousness. They would then have to accept Jesus’ terms of faith, not works.)