Especially for Older Students: Never Far Away

(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will discuss the ways God’s presence displays His love.

(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Provide a dry erase board and a dry erase marker.

Write the following figures on the board:

Direct students’ attention to the board. Ask: Can anyone guess what each of these figures means? Allow a minute or two for volunteers to guess. (Answers: One hundred to Two hundred billion = the number of galaxies in the universe; 10 to the 24th, or 1 with 24 zeros after it = number of planets in the universe; 7.125 billion is the number of people on our planet.)

Say: When we say God is omnipresent we are saying that God is everywhere—in each of the one hundred to two hundred billion galaxies; on each of the septillion planets; and actively present in the lives of each of the 7.125 billion souls walking this planet.

Share that the Holman Bible Dictionary describes the certainty of God’s omnipresence in two ways:

Divide students into groups of two or three. Encourage students to share with their group:

Give students three to four minutes to discuss, and then call on volunteers to share their answers with everyone. Point out that God is omnipresent, which is good news because it means that even when He feels far away, He is still with us.