Especially for Older Students: To Be or Not to Beatitudes

(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will use a matching activity to do a word study in the Beatitudes.

(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Provide a copy of the “To Be or Not to Beatitudes” activity sheet and a pencil for each student.

Distribute the “To Be or Not to Beatitudes” activity sheet. Instruct students to match the Beatitude in Column A with its definition in Column B and then the result in Column C. Students may use their Bibles to match each column. Answers should be as follows:

Ask: How do you think the actions of Column A are counter-cultural? What will people say about you if you live that way? Challenge students to consider the results in Column C and evaluate whether it is worth it to live for Christ.

Summarize that the Beatitudes work together to produce the character of one who is consecrated for Christ’s purposes. Emphasize that these are identifying marks of His followers.
