Younger Student Option: The Whole World In His Hands

(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will go deeper into the discussion of the universal need for gospel’s life-changing power.

(10 minutes, easy set up)
Preview “The Whole World in His Hands” on page 8 of the Rootedstudent book OR download the “The Whole World in His Hands” activity sheet. Also provide pens.

Learning Goal: Students will learn that life-changing power is available to all people who put their hope in the gospel.

Say: The hope we have in the gospel, as God’s treasured people, is not just a promise that changes the way we see ourselves but also how we see the whole world. Direct students to turn to page 8, then ask for six volunteers to look up the six verses listed on the page. Ask a volunteer to read a verse, then prompt each person to answer the following question. Ask: What does each verse say about the world?
