(5 minutes, Rooted DVD required)
Students will watch a clip about where they find hope, meaning, and value.
(5-10 minutes, Rooted DVD required)
Provide a monitor, DVD player, and the RootedDVD. Preview the clip titled “Stranger.”
Say: As you watch this video, think about what defines you. What gives you worth, meaning, and purpose? Play “Stranger” from the Rooted DVD at this time. Afterward, ask: In the video, what did the girl first try to fill her life with? Allow brief discussion, recalling words and scenes from the video, such as money, beauty, success, relationships, feelings, effort, things/possessions, family, and the American dream. Follow up by asking: What was the result of placing hope in these temporary things? Challenge students to consider which of these they most identify with and which is the greatest personal struggle.
Ask: When have you felt let down and overwhelmed? When have you witnessed the harsh realities of hopelessness (loneliness, gossip, bullying, poverty, materialism, etc.)? Allow brief discussion before saying: Today we’ll begin to explore the life-changing power found in a hope greater than anything this world has to offer.