Especially for Younger Students: What's My Motivation?

(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Students will discuss their motivation for performing certain actions.

(10 minutes, easy set-up)
Download the “What’s My Motivation” activity sheet. Print one copy for your own use. Also provide paper and pens.

Divide students into groups of four or five, distributing pens and paper to each group. Once students are in their groups, say: Welcome to America’s most popular game show, What’s My Motivation? Explain that each group is to listen to a question from the “What’s My Motivation?” activity sheet and decide upon the correct motivation from options A, B, or C. (Students will not automatically know the answers because they are too random. Make a big deal out of those groups who get it right, but don’t try to offer any explanation for the answers. Just quickly move to the next question.) Tell students that they receive points for naming the right motivation.

After the game is complete, say: Here’s one more question: Why would you choose to use the ways that God blesses you to lead others to a relationship with Christ? Explain that this is the motivational question of the day.
